How to Check Google Chrome Version (WebApp)

If you ever have trouble in Badger, clearing the cache can usually fix it. If that doesn't work, we might need to know which version of Google Chrome you have. Here's a quick guide on how to check:&nb...

How to Fix Your Spreadsheet

Uploading an Excel spreadsheet is the quickest way to get your customers in Badger. In this article, we'll teach you what are the things that trip our importer so you can take them out from your data....

How to Remove Carriage Returns or Line Breaks

One of the things that trip our importer are carriage returns or line breaks in your Excel file. There are different ways on how you can remove them, but these two are the easiest. Keep on reading to ...

How to Unmerge Combined Cells

Merged or combined cells trip our importer so it’s important to remove them before uploading your data. Continue reading to find out how it’s done. This is how a merged/combined cell looks like. ...

How to Turn Your Picture File into an Excel Spreadsheet Using Your iPhone

As you know, Badger only accepts an Excel or CSV file for data import. But what if the data you have is only a picture or a print out of an Excel table? You can definitely enter the information manual...

How to Turn Your Picture File into an Excel Spreadsheet Using Your Android Phone

Badger’s import capability only allows an Excel or CSV file to be imported. What if your customer data is in a picture or a print out? It would be tedious to transfer them manually to an Excel spreads...

How to Create Badger Maps Shortcut on Your Desktop

As of now, Badger Maps can’t be installed on your desktop. If you’d like to use the app on your computer, you’d need to access it through our website. But what if you want a quick access to it on your...

How to Turn Off an Adblocker

Do you sometimes find the Badger web app not working properly even after refreshing your screen or clearing your browser’s cache? If you do, you might have an Adblock that hinders the app from functio...

How to Clear Your Cache


What are Rows and Columns


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