How to Move Accounts/Stops on a Route (iPad)

Last minute changes on your client visits can be stressful. Sometimes, a customer would ask for a different meeting time other than what you’ve already scheduled. Luckily, Badger Maps allows you to mo...

How to Move Accounts/Stops on a Route (Android)

There can be times when a client would ask for a different time to meet than what’s already set. Last minute changes like this can be stressful especially when you’re on the road. Good thing, Badger M...

How to Move Accounts/Stops on a Route (iPhone)

There will be times when things don’t go as planned while you’re on the road. You need to make last minute changes, but you only have your phone with you. Good news! Badger Maps allows you to rearrang...

How to Use the Recent Tab (iPad)

The Recent tab lists the accounts that you’ve recently viewed. It’s accessible from the Accounts menu, and it’s available on all devices. Here's how it works on the iPad. 1. First, you’d need to ac...

How to Use the Recent Tab (iPhone)

You may not know it, but Badger Maps has a Recent tab feature that lists down all the accounts you’ve recently viewed. Here’s how it works on an iPhone. 1. The first step is to access the accounts ...

How to Use the Recent Tab (Android)

One of Badger Maps’ cool features is its Recent tab. This lists down all the records you’ve viewed, and it’s so easy to use. Continue reading to learn how it works. 1. First, you’d need to open up ...

How to Use the Recent Tab (Web App)

One of Badger Maps’ amazing features is the Recent tab. This lists the accounts you’ve recently viewed from the Accounts menu, and here’s how it works on the web app. 1. Go to the Accounts menu. ...

How to Use the Follow-Ups Panel (iPhone)

Badger Maps’ iOS app now has the Follow-Ups panel. Continue reading to find out how this feature works. 1. Go to the Accounts menu, and tap Follow-Ups. 2. Choose which date you want to view ...

How to Check Google Chrome Version (WebApp)

If you ever have trouble in Badger, clearing the cache can usually fix it. If that doesn't work, we might need to know which version of Google Chrome you have. Here's a quick guide on how to check:&nb...

How to Route More than 118 Stops (iPad)

Badger Maps can route and optimize up to 120 stops including the start and end locations. If you have to route more than the set limit, a workaround that you can do is to string multiple routes togeth...

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