How to Convert a PDF File to Excel

As you know, Badger allows you to upload your customer list. However, our importer only accepts Excel or CSV file formats. If your list is in a format other than these two, you’ll need to convert it f...

How to Upload Your Data with Lat/Long Coordinates

Aside from uploading your accounts using the complete address (street name, city, state, and zip code), you can also add them using lat/long coordinates. Here’s how it’s done: 1. First, have your lis...

Guide on How to Import Excel/CSV Files into Your Account (WebApp)

Importing your customer data into Badger is easy! We have a step-by-step guide that will show you how to do it in less than 4 minutes. Just remember, you can only import your data through the web app....

How to Import Excel/CSV Files into Your Account in 7 Easy Steps (WebApp)


How to Build Filters


How To Export Outlook Contacts And Import To Badger Maps


How to Create Text-Based Columns (PC)


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