How To Stay Ultra-Productive in Sales (Even Remotely!)

Social distancing is making in-person meetings difficult - in most cases, just impossible. Many field salespeople are no longer visiting customers, and are having a hard time keeping their pipelines moving while working remotely.

While this can create some uncertainty, there are many ways to stay productive and keep your sales numbers up from home.  

Not sure where to start from? We got your back.

Here are some actionable tips to remain productive in sales from anywhere. Choose your favorite format and get started!

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Watch Our Video Series To Sell More From Home

This video series is the secret weapon for all Badger users to keep closing deals from home.

Get tips on how to prospect like a pro, plan future routes and close deals all from your home!

How To Stay Productive with Badger Maps while remote

Can you think of a better time to polish the sales skills that will make you succeed while selling remotely? We can't either!

Check out these videos to improve 2 sales skills that are essential right now: following up effectively and overcoming sales objections.

How To Follow Up with Your Prospects

Use Sales Judo

Listen To Sales Experts' Top Productivity Tips

If you’re tired of spending too many hours in front of your computer screen, podcasts are the best way to learn new sales techniques while working out or doing your dishes.

In these Outside Sales Talk episodes, you’ll get actionable tips from top sales experts on how to maximize your sales efforts when working remotely.

Close Deals While Remote

How Your Sales Team Can Stay Successful

Create your Own Brand

Breaking Boundaries into Remote Work

Read The Best Blogs For Remote Selling

With this selection of sales blogs, you’ll gain the sales skills that you need to keep closing deals from the comfort of your couch.

Overcome Sales Objections

Best Sales Movies

10 Tips For Cold Calling

Best Sales Podcasts

30-60-90 Territory Plan

Balance your Sales Team's Territories

12 Best Sales Books

Improve Email Open Rates

Download Slide Decks With Key Sales Skills

Slide decks are a visual and simple way of learning new sales techniques and sharing them with the rest of your team. Here's a selection of our top sales decks that you can download for free:

Manage your sales territory

Persuasive Sales Deck

Overcome Price Objections

We're here for you.

Finding it difficult to work remotely? Badger’s a great tool even when you’re not in the field. Our sales experts can show you how to keep your pipeline moving - even from home.

The Best App for Field Sales People

Learn how you can maximize your sales routes & sell more with Badger Maps

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