Building a route based on a particular filter in Badger is quite easy, and this guide will teach you how to do that using our Android app.
For example, you want to route the accounts tagged as Primary Care under the Specialty field.
1. The first thing that you have to do is to go to Visualize, and filter the accounts so only the ones marked as Primary Care will be shown on the map.
2. Tap on the Lasso icon, and draw around the visible pins.
3. Select create route from the Lasso screen.
4. After that, the app will take you to the Current Route screen. Click on the Enter Start/End Location boxes to add your start/end points. Then tap optimize to get the most efficient route, and click save.
Note: This step will be skipped if you have assigned a default start/end location.
5. Assign a Route Name and Date, and tap Save.
And that’s it! You just learned how to route filtered accounts. Enjoy routing.
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