Note: These shortcuts below are for Windows. To use them on a Mac, replace "ctrl" with "command" and "alt" with "option".
- Ctrl+A: Select All
- Ctrl+D: Fill Down
- Ctrl+F: Find
- Ctrl+G: Go to
- Ctrl+H: Replace
- Ctrl W: Close
- F1: Help
- F4: Repeat last action
- F9: Recalculate all workbooks
- Ctrl+": Copy Value from Cell Above
- Ctrl+': Copy Formula from Cell Above
- Shift+F9: Calculate active worksheet
- Ctrl+Alt+F9: Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks, regardless of whether they have changed since the last calculation
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9: Rechecks dependent formulas and then calculates all cells in all open workbooks, including cells not marked as needing to be calculated
- Shift+F10: Display shortcut menu
- Ctrl+Shift+F3: Create name by using names of row and column labels
- Ctrl++: Insert
- Ctrl+-: Delete
- Ctrl+1: Format cells dialog box
- Ctrl+5: Strikethrough
- Ctrl+6: Show/Hide objects
- Ctrl+7: Show/Hide Standard toolbar
- Ctrl+Shift+(: Unhide rows
- Ctrl+Shift+): Unhide columns