In order to organize customers by sales stage, the field "Sales Stage" must first be created, either by adding a column to the right side of your Excel import or by manually adding it through "Manage Fields" in "Settings." Accounts can be categorized into the following categories:
or whatever is most appropriate for you. Leads found through Badger's "Places" feature can easily be saved as a accounts and then designated a "lead." If you come across a lead and you don't like them for whatever reason, you still save the place, and then label them "not a prospect". Then you can filter the things that are "not a prospect" right off the map, or give them a different color when your are actually planning your time in the field. When you are prospecting and bringing up the leads, you can release that filter and let them back on the map so you can see what you've looked at in the past.
To learn more about how sales stages can help your business, check out this blog post.
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