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How to Overcome Price Objections - Outside Sales Talk with Steve Benson
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In this special episode of the Outside Sales Talk podcast, host Steve Benson is addressing a very frequently asked question - what’s the best way to handle and overcome price objections in sales?

You probably already know that mastering price discussions is important, but did you know, that almost six in 10 buyers want to discuss pricing on the first call?

Even reps who are great at overcoming most sales objections aren’t prepared to overcome price objections – no matter how experienced they are. It throws them off their whole game.

Steve will show you how YOU can overcome a price objection and walk away from the meeting, with the deal in your pocket and without discounting your price or losing the deal because you didn’t have an answer when your customer said, “This is too expensive for me.”

Here are some of the topics covered in this episode:

  • Identifying the 4 types of price objections
  • How to address and overcome different types of price objections
  • Giving discounts vs. making ‘price adjustments’

Steve is the host of the Outside Sales Podcast, and Founder and CEO of Badger Maps, the #1 route planner for field salespeople. After receiving his MBA from Stanford, Steve’s career has been in field sales with companies like IBM, Autonomy, and Google – becoming Google Enterprise’s Top Performing Salesperson in the World in 2009.

In 2012 Steve founded Badger Maps to help field salespeople be more successful. He has been selected as one of the Top 40 Most Inspiring Leaders in Sales Lead Management.

Steve is also a passionate life and career coach and believes his main job leading a company is to empower the people on his team to find their best career path and thrive in their role.



Twitter: @SteveBenson and @BadgerMaps



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