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How Emotions Influence Sales Decision Making
How Emotions Influence Sales Decision Making How Emotions Influence Sales Decision Making How do you make decisions? Most people claim they make decisions rationally. The truth is, we decide with emotion and justify our decisions with logic. Have you been to Starbucks this week? Why did you choose Starbucks and not the cheaper cafe next door? It’s not because of better coffee or friendlier staff, but the feeling Starbucks sells along with its drinks. Modern design and fancy names, the social acceptance you get from your visit because all the cool kids go there, and the reassurance that you get the same product wherever you go are....
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Hitting Home Runs in Sales
Hitting Home Runs in Sales Giants’ Territory San Francisco is home to the Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman’s Wharf and the  Giants. As a San Francisco-based company, we at Badger love watching the occasional game at the ballpark. But as much as we enjoy seeing home runs, it is just as satisfying watching our clients make them. You might ask yourself:  “What do Baseball and sales have in common”? Aside from spending top dollar to acquire the best salesmen, there are more parallels that meet the eye. Baseball is full of great lessons that can be applied to sales so you can start getting more....
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The Best Sales Methodologies for your Team
The Best Sales Methodologies for your Team Sales Methodology Training gives your sales team a repeatable process to find and close business. It's the backbone of your sales process, focusing on call preparation, improving sales effectiveness, finding high-quality leads, and managing customer relationships. The best sales methodologies support all of your sales efforts, resulting in bigger deals more often.The strategy behind your approach is just as important as the actual interaction with your customer. Sales methodology training creates an environment for the customer and the salesperson that facilitates the sales and decision-making process. Here are the best sales methodologies for getting and closing deals. Best Sales Methodologies There....
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Who Can Help You Improve Your Sales?
Who Can Help You Improve Your Sales? There are numerous reasons why sales jobs have high turnover rates. Sales involves many habits people dislike: approaching strangers, questioning strangers, keeping up with those strangers, and genuinely caring about their needs. This is not to assume that the average person does not like people. But many people are too lazy or uninterested to actually fulfill these tasks. Maybe it is lethargy or embarrassment or awkwardness, but a more plausible reason, believe it or not, is that not everyone likes pursuing social interactions. Meeting a client face to face is a golden opportunity. A salesperson can not afford to....
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Why CRM is Important and How Employees Should Use It
Why CRM is Important and How Employees Should Use It Customer Relationship Management software has become commonplace in our hyper connected society. However, many employees are not using these tools that can simplify life in daily business. After all, what are the benefits of a good CRM anyway? Gather all the customer data We live in a society where information is crucial. Knowing your customers and having a personalized relationship with them has become necessary to your sales process. CRM software is used to gather all the data needed to not lose any information on your customers. Thanks to them, your salespeople can access, in an instant, all the data and increase their....
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