Relationship Management

5 Phrases That Will Kill Your Sales Negotiation
5 Phrases That Will Kill Your Sales Negotiation Robin Sharma wisely said, "Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well." Have you ever been on the verge of closing a deal, when suddenly one seemingly harmless phrase changes your client’s mind? You’re not alone, even the best salespeople have had this happen to them. Unsuspecting comments can occasionally turn off a prospect or make them question our capacities. The best sales negotiation training experts recommend using role-playing and simulations to become skilled at avoiding these types of phrases. Here are the most common sale-killing phrases to watch out for in your next meeting. "The least I....
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Personality Traits all Great Salespeople Have
Personality Traits all Great Salespeople Have Salespeople do more these days than just sell. They are critical thinkers, problem solvers, and some of the best conversationalists you’ll ever meet. With business changing from products to services, and with more complex selling strategies emerging, the sales profession has changed dramatically over just the past few years. All jobs and professions have unique tricks and tips that can lead to success. Knowledge and mastery of critical skills are what differentiates the best from just average. The difference between the best and just average in sales is all about communication. It’s important to remember that no two customers will....
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First on the Scene: How Quick Action Improves Your Sales Success
First on the Scene: How Quick Action Improves Your Sales Success A guest blog by Diego Pineda, Senior Content Creator at CloudTask Have you noticed how Facebook “bribes” business pages owners to respond quickly to messages? They offer you a "Very Responsive to Messages badge” that will automatically appear on your Page if you have a response rate of 90% or more and response time of 15 minutes or less. Why do they do this? In their own words: “People appreciate when a business is available and responsive to their questions and product inquiries. The Very Responsive Badge indicates to anyone who comes to your Page that you have an established....
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The Truth Behind Your Buyers’ Expectations in B2B Sales
The Truth Behind Your Buyers’ Expectations in B2B Sales We know that B2B selling can be challenging especially with so many competitors with similar products. As competition gets tougher and products start to lose their unique attributes, you will need to come up with new sources of value for your buyers. Identifying the rational and emotional elements that impact a B2B sell is the first step to come up with a value added proposition. In this article you will find out what makes B2B sales different and why you should approach them in a different way than B2C. Additionally we’ll show you the categories where you can level-up your....
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Top 7 Mistakes Made by Remote Team Managers
Top 7 Mistakes Made by Remote Team Managers Remote sales teams are becoming increasingly common due to access to larger talent pools, improved productivity, and increased cash flow. Managing a remote sales team is a dynamic task, and successful management of them requires a different approach than in-house employees. Make sure you avoid these 8 crucial mistakes as a remote sales manager so that your whole sales team crushes their quota. 1. Not Checking in Regularly Remote sales teams need just as much attention and motivation as in-house employees. Checking in regularly with your team shows them you’re an empathetic manager and helps keep them on task. However, keep....
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