Sales Management

How to Choose the Perfect Sales Force Automation System
How to Choose the Perfect Sales Force Automation System Managing a sales team can be a series of hurdles. Every time you overcome one problem another is waiting up ahead. This is especially true with large sales teams, where small issues are difficult to catch and tend to snowball into large problems. A sales force automation system is the perfect solution to deal with this. Reporting sales activity, following-up with prospects, and staying organized are the pillars of a successful salesperson, but they're often overlooked. You know the processes your team should follow, making them stick is another story.   A sales force automation system is designed to…
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How Emotions Influence Sales Decision Making
How Emotions Influence Sales Decision Making How Emotions Influence Sales Decision Making How do you make decisions? Most people claim they make decisions rationally. The truth is, we decide with emotion and justify our decisions with logic. Have you been to Starbucks this week? Why did you choose Starbucks and not the cheaper cafe next door? It’s not because of better coffee or friendlier staff, but the feeling Starbucks sells along with its drinks. Modern design and fancy names, the social acceptance you get from your visit because all the cool kids go there, and the reassurance that you get the same product wherever you go are…
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Three Steps for a Successful Sales Trip
Three Steps for a Successful Sales Trip A week of hectic travel leaves you tired and frustrated.  Here are three steps to get organized and ensure success on your next sales trip: 1. Plan Ahead In order to get ahead of the competition, you need to be efficient.  By creating optimal routes and sticking to them, you'll steer clear of stressful situations during the week.  Cutting your driving by 20% means crushing your quota while everyone else is still on the road.  And since you can store your routes in an iCal, Outlook, or Google calendar, you'll know exactly what's on tap every day of the trip. 2. Track your Progress You shouldn't count…
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How Sales Maps Are Catching Up to You
How Sales Maps Are Catching Up to You I hypothesize that maps become fancier in response to the need people had for them. This seems simple enough, but a while ago, it was unclear to my simple mind what came first: the demand for a more encompassing map software or the map software itself? If we take a brief look at the history of maps, we can discover hundreds of years of mapmaking for the sake of convenience. People made maps for commerce, for astrology and agriculture, to map out where God was blowing his mighty winds (this one is my favorite actually). 
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The Best Sales Methodologies for your Team
The Best Sales Methodologies for your Team Sales Methodology Training gives your sales team a repeatable process to find and close business. It's the backbone of your sales process, focusing on call preparation, improving sales effectiveness, finding high-quality leads, and managing customer relationships. The best sales methodologies support all of your sales efforts, resulting in bigger deals more often.The strategy behind your approach is just as important as the actual interaction with your customer. Sales methodology training creates an environment for the customer and the salesperson that facilitates the sales and decision-making process. Here are the best sales methodologies for getting and closing deals. Best Sales Methodologies There…
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