Sales Software / Tools

Make the Most of Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Make the Most of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Dynamics CRM is Microsoft’s customer relationship management (CRM) business solution that drives sales productivity and marketing effectiveness through business intelligence, social insights and campaign management in the cloud, on-premises, or with a hybrid combination. Customer relationship management (CRM) can help reduce costs and increase profitability by organizing and automating business processes that nurture customer satisfaction and loyalty in the sales, marketing, and customer service fields. CRM solutions can deliver ROI through marketing automation, customer service, and sales force automation. With sales force automation, Sales reps can concentrate on the things that matter most - building and strengthening relationships with....
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Badger Maps is featured as one of the “Top 40 Sales Tools of 2013” by Smart Selling Tools.
Badger Maps is featured as one of the “Top 40 Sales Tools of 2013” by Smart Selling Tools. Is there one sales tool to rule them all? There might be, for field sales reps. Nancy Nardin, the chief editor of the blog Smart Selling Tools and among the “Top 25 Sales Influencers” as ranked by HubSpot and LinkedIn, wrote a requirements document for a field sales app in her most recent blog post. In the post, Nancy referred to Badger Maps as “the first application that bundles all of the “in-a-perfect-world” capabilities into one sales tool.” And this week, we are humbled by being featured as one of the “Top 40 Sales Tools of 2013” by Smart....
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Salesforce Mobility Is Transforming the Sales Process
Salesforce Mobility Is Transforming the Sales Process As they sweep the globe, mobile devices are revolutionizing the way business is done, especially for those in sales. Smartphones and tablets afford sales professionals a new level of connection to their data while on the go, a shift that has streamlined the sales cycle. In this blog post, I will talk about how sales mobility is transforming the sales process, how to evaluate the mobile apps out there, and how to find the right one that answers your specific needs. The Aberdeen Group conducted a study across 250 organizations about their sales-effectiveness practices and the effect that these....
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How to find new leads with the Badger Map?
How to find new leads with the Badger Map? [Image: Mongoose Metrics] Ever had trouble finding new leads on the go because it meant spending hours going through databases such as or Hoover’s? Have you ever had a meeting cancel last minute and wanted to fill dead time without having to spend hours looking for new and nearby prospects? Now, you can just skip the fuss and let the Badger Map do the heavy lifting. The Badger Map layers in prospects from public data sources so you can see where the prospects are that you don’t know about yet. Think of it as putting Yellow Pages on a....
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Mobile CRM
Mobile CRM There is a lot of talk about mobile customer relationship management (CRM) becoming a big trend in 2013.  It is already a dominant trend in some industries such as pharmaceuticals .  However, there is no consensus on what “mobile CRM” means.  Is it simply giving the user all of the CRM functionality on their phone or tablet that they have on their laptop?  That seems like a lot of information to digest on a pretty small screen.  And it’s a lot of functionality to sift through to find the few features that you rarely use when you’re out of....
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