Redefining the Sales Pitch: How to Make It Sell Today

Sales pitching techniques may not become outdated as fast as fashion trends, but they aren’t all that far behind. To stay at the top of your game, you need to be aware of how consumers are changing. Specifically, what do they want to hear when learning about a new product for the first time? Do they want in-depth information on how your product works, or anecdotes from past customers? 

Knowing this, you can adapt your pitch accordingly and make more sales. At the moment, the way to the buyer’s heart lies through telling short, compelling stories about your product that are relevant to your prospect

So, if you want to up your sales game, this is how you should pitch your product:

1. Focus on your customer

Never build your sales pitch from the standpoint of “I need to sell it.” Instead, use the “you need it” approach, and you’ll see a great improvement in your results. To do this, your sales pitch must be focused on the buyer, so you need to pitch your product based on what drives their need for your product.

See how Brightwheel does it. The pitch is completely focused on the customer and appeals to them on an emotional level. It doesn’t go into any unnecessary tech detail of the solution on hand. Instead, it focuses on the benefits it can provide the consumer. Anyone interested can learn more about the tech later on, but for now, your prospect needs to know what your product can do for them. So, your pitch must deliver this message first. 

Adding real-life examples to your pitch can also help prospects instantly see your product’s value. This clinches the deal, because the customer can immediately recognize their own situation and envision how your product can help them.

2. Tell a story and make it compelling

A good sales pitch should be considered a work of art rather than just a bland marketing proposition. Step outside of traditional sales pitch writing and turn on your creative storytelling skills. Brainstorming tips from creative geniuses are always helpful. After all, who can teach you the art of storytelling better than Stephen King himself? 

Of course, specialized sales books can help you as well. But the buyers of today have heard thousands of sales pitches with compelling words and every call-to-action imaginable. These days, consumers are looking for something genuine, for a pitch that flows like a story - a story so good that they want to become a part of it by exchanging their money for the product it describes. 

You can, if you’d like, combine this sales pitching method with the more traditional one, and create a personal story that will help buyers empathize with you. Make more of an impact by adding some drama to the mix. Your story can start by describing how you faced a problem (a problem your buyers also face). Then, offer a solution by describing how using your product/service resolved the situation for you.

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3. Use additional materials and body language to boost your sales pitch

Did you know that not accounting for the impact of body language is one of the biggest sales pitch mistake reps makes? As an outside sales rep, you get a fantastic opportunity to interact with prospective buyers directly. This means you can use your whole body, not just the words of your pitch, to make an impression. 

Therefore, you need to ensure that your body language helps boost your sales. To do this, you need to be open and smiling, and move around a little to maintain your audience’s attention. Another great trick is to tilt yourself toward both your presentation and your prospects so your audience doesn’t lose focus to something else in the room. 

Here is another important physical aspect of a great sales pitch: using a variety of materials to illustrate or enhance your points. Look back at the Brightwheel presentation above. Both the videos and the child’s workstation set-up play an important role in making the situation real, and strengthen the pitch’s impact.

4. Address your prospect’s concerns 

Make sure to address the issues that are making your prospect hesitate to buy into your pitch. First, identify what is causing your prospect to think twice about buying your product. 

For example, let’s say they are worried that the hair straightener you are selling will cause a fire hazard if left on for too long. In this case, you’d then want to focus on how the straightener’s auto-off feature would prevent such a hazard from ever coming to life. You’d emphasize that with your straightener, they’d never need to worry about forgetting to switch it off themselves. 

By clearing up any concerns, your prospect will feel a lot more comfortable and lower their resistance towards your product. 


If you want to boost your sales, you need to stop pitching and start conversing. Tell stories that appeal to your audience on an emotional level. Make them personal so your prospects can see exactly how they will benefit from using your product.

Remember, instead of focusing on the sale itself, bring to light the value that your product or service has to offer.

Author Bio: Kate Bregovic is a wife, mother, freelance writer and fitness enthusiast. She covers many topics – from business management trends to fitness regimes. When she’s not writing, she's planning outdoor activities for her family, cooking or working out at the gym.  Follow her on Facebook!

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