Sales Process

The 22 Best Sales Techniques: The Definitive List
The 22 Best Sales Techniques: The Definitive List If you’ve been in sales for any amount of time, you understand that no two customers are alike. Whether you're in B2B sales or outside sales, success depends on having a versatile set of sales techniques.  Understanding and mastering various selling strategies can help you close more deals, retain clients, and thrive in any sales environment.  In this guide, I'll explore some of the best tried-and-true sales tactics and sales tips to sharpen your skills and make you a better salesperson.
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Referral Sales: What, Why, & How + Expert Techniques to Secure More Sales
Referral Sales: What, Why, & How + Expert Techniques to Secure More Sales “The secret to real sales success is building strong, respected, relationships that earn you the right to ask for referrals. But less than 5 percent of organizations have a disciplined, measurable, and reliable referral system.” - Joanne Black, Referral Selling Authority & Author  Say it louder for the people in the back - real sales success comes from a reliable referral system. You may feel that you are doing just fine without a sales referral program, but let’s take a look at some statistics around non-referral vs referral sales methods:  Only 2% of cold calls result in an appointment. That’s a....
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How to Build a Sales Strategy: The Ultimate Guide for Sales Teams
How to Build a Sales Strategy: The Ultimate Guide for Sales Teams Having everyone across your organization singing from the same hymn sheet is critical if you are to achieve your sales goals and objectives. Without an effective sales strategy in place, every aspect of your sales operations will suffer. So how do you go about creating one? In this detailed guide, I’ll share with you some of the best, and current, sales strategies that you can use to streamline your processes, make your job that little bit easier, and what you are really looking for, increase your revenue. Let’s jump in.
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Measuring Sales Performance: Key Metrics for Outside Sales Teams
Measuring Sales Performance: Key Metrics for Outside Sales Teams Building and maintaining customer relationships with face-to-face interactions can be tough for field sales teams. Not to mention, prospecting and qualifying leads can take time away from those face-to-face interactions. To make sure these sales efforts go without a hitch, are you tracking metrics and key sales performance indicators? In this post, we offer a complete guide to the key sales performance metrics you should be looking at to help you determine what your outside sales team is doing well and where there’s room for improvement.  That way, you can tweak your sales strategy so that you’re on track to....
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The Power of Questions in Sales
The Power of Questions in Sales Want to better influence the sales process from beginning to end?  The secret lies in asking the right sales questions, not just talking about your product or service. Many salespeople believe that spending most of their time discussing and displaying their offerings is the best approach, but the truth is that telling is not selling.  Selling is about helping the other person understand why they need to pay you to achieve their goals or objectives. The most effective way to reach that point is to ask questions. Salespeople close more deals when they ask intuitive, probing questions based on customer....
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