Relationship Management

How to Develop Empathy with Your Prospects
How to Develop Empathy with Your Prospects When it comes down to selling, having empathy is one of the most important skills to have if you want to increase sales and build better relationships with your customers. Developing empathy in sales will give you a better understanding of your customers’ needs, their motivations behind using your products and services, and the way they want to be treated by you and your company. This is a surefire way to improve your business relationships and provide your customers with top-quality service.  As a result, you will be able to put yourself in your customers’ shoes and treat their problems....
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How To Get More Qualified Sales Meetings (with scripts)
How To Get More Qualified Sales Meetings (with scripts) Crushing your quota in the sales industry is all about nailing qualified meetings and eventually closing the deal. Consistently having a large number of meetings is good, but you want to make sure each meeting is up to your standards. Whether you’re meeting a prospect for the first time or getting ready to close a deal, you always want to enter a meeting with a goal in mind. By establishing a goal for the meeting you get an idea of how the interaction is going to play out. Finding qualified prospects who are willing to sit down and hear your....
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5 Ways To Be An Effective Sales Leader
5 Ways To Be An Effective Sales Leader “How important is leadership in sales?” We all are gripped by this question every now and then.  There’s a ton of advice out there saying something like - “It depends on the company.” Well, that’s… not very helpful, is it? But one thing is obvious, when you hear people saying this, you’ll probably start thinking that only huge companies need leaders. But let me dispel this myth for once and all. Leadership doesn’t and shouldn’t be based on the company or brand - it depends on YOU and the team! People tend to overlook the impact an effective leader can....
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Training Tuesday: "I'll Think About It..." The Best Response To Overcome This Sales Objection
Training Tuesday: "I'll Think About It..." The Best Response To Overcome This Sales Objection Watch more videos on The Secrets and Tips of Field Sales on YouTube here! Any salesperson will tell you that closing deals is not a matter of luck. It's about skill, about perfecting your sales processes and about overcoming the objections that would keep a deal from closing. In this blog, I'll show you the strategies that I use when a prospect says “Let me think about it” or some other version of a “soft no”. These are some of the most common objections that you'll deal with in sales, so mastering them is key to success.
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Training Tuesday: How to Use Sales Judo to Overcome "Just Send Me the Information"
Training Tuesday: How to Use Sales Judo to Overcome "Just Send Me the Information" Watch more videos on The Secrets and Tips of Field Sales on YouTube here! How many times has this happened to you? After a few minutes of chatting with a prospect, they cut you short and tell you: “Just send me your information. I'll review it and get back to you.”  Now, tell me this, what do you think the chances are that your prospect actually means what he said, that he's actually going to wait for your email, drop everything he's doing to read it, and then return your call? They're very low. In this blog, I'm going....
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